D4MT LABS INC: Where you can find the musical projects I’ve been involved with for the past decade 

BROWN RECLUSE ZINE DISTRO: Distro of BIPOC radical print culture 

OUR HOUSE INFO SHOP: anti-capitalist, anti-state, anti-imperialist infoshop where you can find SHADOW COMMS pubs among many more things. Lenapehoking (East BK)

PROPERTY IS THEFT: Info Shop, Record & Book Store & Community Space 

INTERFERENCE ARCHIVE: an in-person & online resource to the grassroots... open source political education from below to the left, through material culture.

ABOLITION NOTES : A great online resource for abolitionist & leftist texts

JAMHOOR MAGAZINE: The best place to read South Asian Leftist research

You can find an interview with me about my arts practice and background by SIGNAL journal on the JustSeeds website here.

“Unidentified Mayan Wrapped in Sanskrit Testifying at the UN”, Ink on Newsprint, 9” x 12”, 5/2020